British young gay men videos

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The second video includes clips from the discussion afterwards led by Pat Cash. The video was screened at the start of an open meeting about HIV and young people that was organised by David Stuart and the sexual health clinic at 56 Dean Street. “I have felt worried the next day, possibly … but I have come here before and gone on PEP” “I’ve always used a condom really, but of course I’ve been in a situation where I haven’t, of course, everyone has…” Young peoples attitude’s to sex and HIV – youtube video (12 minutes) It covers talking about HIV and judging risk, and attitudes to HIV positive people and being HIV positive.įor anyone interested in gay life in London or in reducing the chance that in 2015 another 3000 plus gay men will test positive – invest 12 minutes of your time.

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The first video is 12 minutes long and edits interviews with five young gay men about how they feel about HIV. More a plug for two new online videos than a blog, these links relate to a public event held in Soho a couple of weeks ago. HIV and young gay people in London: two short online videosīlog HIV and young gay people in London: two short online videosġ3 October 2014.

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